Public Speaking and Training

Need a speaker for your next business or social group gathering?

Look no further because everyone wants to hear about Wills, Trusts and Inheritance Tax Planning, don’t they?

It sounds stuffy and boring yet Gavin, Director of GPW Tax and Law, somehow manages to make this topic entertaining, informative and even humorous.

With over 10 years’ experience of the weird and wonderful world of Death and Taxes, the two certainties in life for everyone, Gavin can leave a room of people wondering why they never found the topic of interest before and usually dashing out to check what planning they have in place.

Throwing the jargon out the window, he finally makes this field accessible to everyone by explaining why it’s so important to have the correct planning in place.

Quite an undertaking to achieve, yet filled with many, many, MANY years of unusual client stories for you to enjoy.

Training and Mentoring

Are you a solicitor, financial planner or even an estate agent?

Gavin is available to offer training and/or mentoring to teams or individuals on all aspects of Wills, Trusts and Inheritance Tax Planning. Ensuring you are offering the best service in this specialist field for your clients and thus increasing the services you provide which in turn increases your bottom line.

If you’d like to know how we can help you and your clients, just contact us on 01978 761483

Gavin On the Radio and the Stage!

Gavin is a regular speaker for specialist business organisations, taking part in Business Mastermind Weekends for high-net-worth individuals, property investors and normal folk too!

Gavin has also been a guest on business programme shows for radio and podcasts.


“I met Gavin when attending Ray’s weekend workshop. Gavin was one of the keynote speakers there. Immediately he struck me as a very competent and knowledgeable professional who has great insight into tax and inheritance-related issues. He makes any complicated tax issue simple.”

“That day, any question that came from the audience of business investors and property investors (a very entrepreneurial and success-minded bunch) was addressed fully and with great accuracy. I think that Gavin’s background in customer-focused roles has helped him to not only communicate effectively but also gave him an understanding of how to deal with various predicaments people face on daily bases”

“Gavin is professional, approachable and down to earth, an expert in his field. I would recommend Gavin’s services to anyone who is looking for high-quality advice.”